Monday, February 16, 2009

Usher's Wifey- Got it bad? Really bad!

So now Usher's wife is complaining about something else....once again! If this beezy would have just kept her legs closed one good time, she could be sittin in luxury with usher, while he was recording his new cd....... But there she is sitting at home with her adorable children, sad because her boo is states away, and is "bored"!

I guess she forgot she was messing with a don, Us-her-Ra-ym-ond! Usher is going to do him regardless. Usher needs to focus, cuz after his last we can't have another album like that. I think every other song was about his wife, I almost couldn't listen to it. I thought I was at someones wedding, or the first night of their honeymoon. Damn Usher, quit it.

Now Usher's wife is in the hospital, after suffering cardiac arrest, before a routine surgery. I said "damn, aint that about a bitch", she went in for liposuction and almost died. That shit is scary. As you can see in the picture above, I really don't think she needed any liposuction, but this is Hollywood, everyone is greedy!

 They need to quit callin shit a routine surgery, when you can damn near die from just TRYING to have the surgery!

Givin it to ya straight, no chaser- Crazy CeCe!

Jason Wahler aka HATEHER!

Now I know that Whitney Port's new show is hella dry and boring, but who is Jason Wahler aka Lauren Conrad's ex boyfriend, to say anything about anyone. I am sorry by America does not value the opinion of anyone with a drinking problem. Should Jason be worrying about what new flavor Smirnoff has added to their line or who has the best price on Cabo Wabo....idiot! Jason is a jerk if I have ever seen one...okay well a cute jerk, but nonetheless he aint shit! Nonetheless, could I send a quick message to the director of the show the city.........Hi, hello, uhm just wondering if you could.............."FIND SOME CAST MEMBERS WITH PERSONALITIES AND INTERESTING THINGS HAPPENING IN THEIR LIFE. IT IS THE DAMN CITY AND EVERYONE ON THE SHOW IS BORING AND DRIED OUT, WTF MAN"?

Oh wait MtV didnt stop messin up with just "The City", but this new Real World cast....BOOTSY! No one on the show has any personality or anything fun to say. They all are boring and crusty. Who cares that you have a drinking problem, or won a mrs. whatever contest........we are tired of the lame hook ups.......and the trans was the best thing ya'll put on the show, but now she is just whillin out for the wrong reasons! Ya'll need to go head and cast boniqua, treshawn, latonya, and devon for the new season, someone super hyphy someone fun!

Givin it to ya straight, no chaser- Crazy CeCe

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Full House is now empty, let it go!

You know that one friend you have that won't ever let anything go. It could be somethin you guys did in the third grade and your both now thirty, but she or he is still talking about? That's like this idiot Bob Sagett! Oh wait ya'll probably remember him from the early 90's show full house, and then his little act he had on America's funniest home videos, another dumb ass show( Full House was the bomb). So everyone would of thought that Bob would have retired like a normal person and let shit go, oh no, not Bob, dude is trying to make a comeback on some new show, I can't even remember the name because it was just that lame! Bob made the world weep, when he, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle had their touching moments on Full House, but now we are cryin cuz this idiot wont leave! Let the acting thing go Bob, you had your chance! Retire Bob!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Half dollar, 2 quarters, 50 pennies, 5 dimes, whatever you call this chump, 50 is crazy! I hope I don't get shot after posting this blog!

I thought females were bad with the drama and gossip, but 50 has taken the crown. Sometimes I wish 50 could be like cash money and just rap about money, cars, bikes, and fast ass hoes. Nope not 50, he has to take it to the next level, he has to rap about other cats in the rap game. Like what these cats did in their past life, their money and all the bitches they have fucked. Now I know many of you think that all this shit talking makes 50's lyrics more interesting, and I do agree, but at what cost. This new battle 50 is in with Miami's finest, Rick Ross, is getting crazy. This he said he said shit is getting old. Now 50 is moving mountains by interviewing the boss's baby's mama, tryin to get the information straight, minus the chaser. Doesn't 50 have any drama of his own to handle. I know he has some girlfriend issues or something. 50 has officially lost his mind, I feel him on the aspect that Rick should have kept his mouth shut, trying to pretend to know 50, Rick was tryin to see how far 50, and by god he pushed a little too hard, cuz now 50 is hot!...... But 50 has gone too far explaining how Ross's life is going to be fucked up and how much of a bum Rick Ross is, talkin shit about Rick's mom, then turning around to buy mink coats for Rick's baby's mom.

50 is a tickin time bomb, waiting to explode, and poor officer Ricky is about to have his world turned upside down. Man pay your child support Ricky, lookin like a dead beat. You got all this money, Mayback music and this boss shit, well don't rap about the million dollar level your on, be about your money. Rick says "it is not a beef cuz 50 can't come where I go"! wow!

Rick is a boss!A huge Boss. Rick says 50 looks like a monkey, I gotta agree.......

50 I feel you about Khaled, that dude is wack and effin annoying, same shit new song.

Now 50 is gunna be at Rick's doorstep tryin to blast him, cuz Rick said, 50 aint a real NY dude, and then gives shout outs to the real rappers of NY. Ricky, 50 don't give a damn, he loves for people to under mind him.... maybe that is why so many people like him! Dude is RAW!....but not that RAW..hey 50 what happened to your show on MTV? Oh wait it was cut huh!

View 50 interviewing Rick Ross's Baby Mama...too effin much, he thinks he is being witty, pussy moves 50.....Rick don't give a fuck, he aint with her for a reason!

Here is 50 lettin Rick have it....

Here is Rick givin it to 50........

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Friday, February 6, 2009

See! He was cryin out for help but no one heard him behind that ghetto-ass throw back hair style!

I will be the first one to stand up and admit that I used to be smitten for Nick Carter. I almost want to say it was as bad as the obsession my rapper friend "XL" has for Christian Bale..(XL is this up and coming rapper I know, she is going to blow up soon, ya'll just wait...booyaakashaa, check it)........wait no, I would never become that crazily obsessed with a celebrity....nope not even or Phelps. well maybe for Dwight Howard, that body........LiL Wayne, that mouth........T.I, that swagger......or Baron Davis that drive..........................okay I have obsessions!

Nonetheless, I use to dream, drool, and dance around for Nick Carter....we were going to get married and have I sound crazy. But in the back of my mind, I always knew that he was not the one for me, because he always had this evil little bad boy side to him that I just didn't like. He always found a way to go off the track......... Everyone in BSB was wearing black, he has to wear white, they wanted to do a slow song, and he wanted to drop a club hit. Dude just could never be on with the group....he was the kid in class who was always in time out, for actin up!

Now being a innocent youth, I never paired his strange ways with being drunk or high, but apparently his doctor told him he better shape the fuck up, because his ass is gunna be knockin on death's door in the next few years, if he does not get his act together. Now nick you dumb motha fucka, you know yo ass been outta line since the 3rd grade, when were you gunna check yo self?

Nick I hope the jungle juice, vodka cranberry's, margarita, long islands, weed and crack were good, because now you look like shit and no one wants to claim you.......that dumbass little show your family had? cancelled, gone, done dadda...losers!

Nick should have been more concerned with that fucked up hair style he has been rocking for the last nine years. The boy needs help!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

14 kids all under 8

This could be a hit new show...14 kids and counting, and we are all under 8!

All I can say is what the fuck Becky! Why on God's green earth is this lady so effin crazy! I can think of plenty of other ways to torture yourself, without the expense of diapers and formula.

I am a nanny...babysiter.....whatever you may call it.....Children are my job........on Thursdays and Fridays I watch three children...a two year old, an eight year old and a ten year old These are good kids, they are wild, but they are just kids being kids as always.....but sometimes there is drama and I feel like I am about to go to go crazy, when they dont listen........sometimes one doesn't wanna do homework, or the two year old is having a fit........Now I only watch three at the max at one time, and I think I am a savage for it .........14 kids at one time? Are you trying to drive yourself to an early one in their right mind would ever do this to themselves. You have to be crazy,selfish and just effin mental to wanna have 14 kids!

Lord please touch this mother, she is mental, she was tryin to be like Bradjalina , but does not have the cash flow........shes ust plain fucked up! Now look at her, 14 kids and not a single one of them has had sex ed. oldest one just leanred to wash his ass good! what are you going to tell the older kids? Hold the baby up while I breast feed this one and try and cook top ramen, cuz we aint got no money.................................. She has gotten herself into a royal mess!

She was depressed and found her have children.....okay the bitch is dumb as all hell...........taking my tax dollars to help fund her 8 kids in he NICU ...$75,000 per kid!....Cece loves the kids but not when the mother is a damn idiot! She better not call me to watch her kids...cuz im gunna hit her with one of those recking balls.....straight to the head.

and who gave her the money to get lip injection anyways..........she should have used her money to get a they offer brain transplants for the stupid? They should just give her one for free!

I just wanted kids, I was lonely, oh my god, I love my kids, I hold them, bitch shut the fuck up!

I am so pissed off, I better never see this lady in the street.....she and the kids better run!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Slumdog Millionaire

This is a must see movie for anyone who has ever loved! The love story within this movie is amazing! You will leave the movie theater wanting to go back and see the movie again! Loved it!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Puff the Magic Dragon

That green, that good good, weed, Gonja, Yurple Purple, trees, grapes, whatever you may call it, we all know when it means.......MARIJUANA!

So since we all know what it is, why are we all tripping over Michael Phelps and his desire to get high? Maybe he had a bad headache or has been going through somethings and just wanted to find relief. Dude was not doing lines of crack nor harming anyone. It was not like he shot up a mall, molested a child or even ran a stop light, dude just wanted to get high high high!

Everyone is trippen because he was smoking out of a bong..because he is an Olympic medalist.because he represents our country. Bush Jr. has probably been getting high for years, which would explain the lack of brain cells.......but no one was saying anything......probably too scared that Bush would send them to Iraq or something.....dumb ass! But now, the media has turned Phelps into a goon....he's the big bad wolf now. It seems like everyone and there momma smokes weed now days?( count me out). People just tryin to get their doctors to sign them up for the cannabis card for no reason, people making up fake illnesses to they can get the card.You know how many celebs probably live for weed? More than you can imagine, Phelps just got caught! And do we know for sure that there was weed in the bong, maybe he was just testing the bong to ensure there was no leaks, he is a caring man, he didnt want anything bad to happen!

Even still I applaud Phelps because, all the people I know who smoke, smoke, then pass out, there is no 8 mile swim after smoking weed from the people I know, there is not winning gold medals or anything of that nature from them. So Phelps is a savage in my book, if he can swim high and not drown and win gold medals, he is the king.

I am glad the photo of Phelps getting high was found, because I've been burning to understand why the lanky kid eats so much........he said he eats something like 14 pancakes, too many eggs, just some outrageous amount of food for one person to be consuming, but it all makes sense now.....dude be so high, he gets the munchies, and you know swimming makes you even the combo of being high and all that swimming explains why he eats more than the duggar family at one sitting. But real talk Phelps just stick to swimming, weed is not a good look!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

"At Last"! Someone put the "DIVA" in her place....or did she?

The song At Last, is one of my top ten favorite love songs. The song is beautiful. It touches the soul and just makes you want to fall in love when you hear it; not to mention it's sung amazingly by the wonderful Etta James.........wonderful? that is until Mrs. Knowles- Carter showed up!

When Etta James found out Beyonce had performed her song at the president inauguration in front of millions of people, on one of the most important days in history....Mrs. James lost her cool.

Etta began her speech with making fun of the newly elected Barack Obama, stating that he is not her president, and that his ears are big!

Etta, don't play with me girl, I know you voted for him....what do you live in Africa now, because ten minutes ago you wanted to be an American. And the coldest comment you could make was that his ears are big? Etta girl, I know your from the hood, the home of yo momma jokes and how to make folks cry just by looking at them, and all you could say was Obama's ears a big........lame!

Then Etta goes on to state that, that woman singing her song is gunna get her ass whooped...that would be Beyonce!

I about died laughing because she sounded so country saying that comment....her ass whooped! I may hate on Beyonce too, but I am no trying to beat the girl's ass! Yes Etta, we know you performed the hell out of that song, At Last, during your reign, and that it is your only true hit, but relax and let someone else try and out do you, and when they don't, you can applaud them for trying, and keep it moving, like a lady!

Etta is just mad because she never really had that good hair, body, or complexion, so now she's moved onto hating on others.

Harpo is about are ten seconds away from creating a part -two, to Tyra's player hateHER will be staring Etta, shit Etta may even host the to hate 101.......hateful ass woman!

Etta is probably mad because she was not asked to sing her song as the inauguration.....we'll shit they probably wanted a bright, fresh new face, and Etta just isn't it!

I wonder what Etta would have wanted Beyonce to sing instead, even though Beyonce had just finished the movie Cadillac records, and people usually perform whatever they have been recently working on. Should Beyonce have sung bootylicious, bugga-boo, diva, ego, solider or survivor? Huh Etta? which one would be more fitting? So Obama and Michelle could have dropped it like it was hot? Touched their toes and got low? Backed it up on each other? HATER!

Nonetheless, I feel Etta James's pain and anger. If I, like Etta had only one real hit, and my one real hit could fill people with joy and make them want to fall in love, smile, laugh, cry, and all of that gushy gushy.........the hell, I would be damned if another bitch tried to take my shine- trying to out do me! Frankly Beyonce would have been layed out somewhere in some cotton field, if she tried to out do my song!

But even so, Etta, your a lady, if your going to hate on someone do it with class and elegance, don't say someone has big ears or that they about to get their ass whooped. It's 2009, they are gunna start locking people up for that shit and Etta your about to be first!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Bootsy ass police!

They say their job is to protect the community but I sware they lie. Your car is sittin on the side of the road in flames, and here they come, you just know they are going to stop, but instead they blow past you to go ticket some broke ass 1982 Toyota Carolla. Or your in Safeway nearing midnight and the Ed Hardey meets 3's company group is talkin loud, wantin you to come unglued over some Obama stuff, and here comes officer Dan strolling in for his nightly red bull. At first you feel saved, you smile at him and give him the come watch these M.F's before I chop them down to size. But wait....what does officer Dan do? he glares at you, stands behind you, all in your personal bubble, you look back at him, then he quickly walks over to the gift card area, to see what he can pretend to do.........Well I feel secure knowing that if I ever gave an officer, the oh my god, I have been kidnapped, but I cant say anything, because the person who kidnapped me is standing right next to me look, he would just go check out the sale on cheese, probably Gouda! To serve and protect? my ass!

And who goes into Safeway for a little ass Red Bull we not have quickie -Marts, and 7-11s for that? No, he had to come into Safeway just for that, or maybe because he thought he might possibly find the person who has been stealing grapes and lettuce from Safeway- Punk Ass!

Giving it to ya straight, no chaser - Crazy CeCe!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Super Bowl!

A 100 yd play? Now I dont know a damn thing about football, but I do know the object of the game is to run with the ball to the inzone...however, along the way, the other team's job, (the ones who do not have the ball) is to tackle you down.....So did the Cardinals not get the memo on which play with in effect, cuz when James Harrison, flew down the filed for a 100 yd play, I think he was supposed to have been tackled.......... Where was the rest of the Cardinals? Snack break? Something like three men tried to take him down....James just kept it don't learn those tricky ass moves at some Nike training camp. James has been running from folks for years.....dogs on the way home from school....his momma, and probably from crazy women too!

Boy I know good old James was juiced, he probably called his momma after the play was over, took a few Myspace photos........dude ran so hard, poor baby needed some oxygen after that play....I don't blame you James, they would have had to air lift my ass to the ICU.....and I would have retired the next day...I would have been talkin about "Naw im good, I think I did enough for the team.....I can't even breathe good no more...but hey we won, so I'm tired, imma retire"!

I don't know why the Cardinals lost, like I said, I don't know much about football...but yall cost me money dammit!

But heeeeeeeey! At least my home girl J. Hudson did it big for us. Maybe I should have began talking about her first cuz daaaaaaaaaamm, that girl sang her ass off. I am not sure if it was a good night sleep, the pressure to preform, or all the stress she has been dealing with, with the loss of family members, but that girl gathered up all of her feelings and put it into that National Anthem.

If you were so lame to miss this remarkable performance peep this...

Hate me if you want to, but, Hudson out did Beyonce and all those other females who came before her, well everyone except for Whitney Houston........She almost had Whitney, but you know, can't no one really beat's a written rule! Whitney always makes things look effortless, especially dating that crazy Bobby...that would have added thirty years to the average females life...his dumbass....and what the hell is she doing with that dirty boy Ray him a ghetto new show with another flock of hood rat sell-outs....SAD!

As I close, some words to the wise........Don't ever offer to buy anyone a few dollars worth of squares on a Superbowl pool, because they will win the whole pot, leaving you high and dry.

Don't drop your keys in the drain at Safeway, minutes before your suppose to be at one of three Superbowl parties........only to find out 45 mins later, that the sewer cover comes off....damn!

Givin it to ya straight with no chaser- Crazy CeCe!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cocky and arrogant niggas who act like they are feelin themselves like they are off their own medicine..If you have a fucked up weave, please leave!

Niggas Niggas Niggas. Just cuz a bitch sends you a message on My Space, does not mean she is on your nuts by no means. Why dude gotta feel like he needs to amp himself up by shit talkin with his friends then pointin. That shit aint cute, and shit, it was just My Space! This was made apparent by him being more worried about Dee than any other girl in the building. Nigga can you go somewhere, no need to be security, we re-locate and here his ass come a running. I've already had to deal with a dumb-ass light skinned nigga, askin too many questions, and jus too damn worried, when apparently he got a bitch, who can't do hair, fucked up weave and all. And here this bitch was in the club, staring, mean muggin lookin like a man. It's 2009, imma get's mine! I hate when bitches know good and well they know who you are, but wanna stand five feet away just a lookin. Hateful ass, no shape havin, lanky bodied ass hoe. Why the fuck you so worried about what I am doing.....oh cuz your man was tryin to get a taste of my good good?

one last thing, nigga dont ever walk toward me and look me up and down like you want some, cuz I know you do, but this bakery is closed, your money aint no good here. Go head and grab your coat and keep it movin.

moral to this story is, if you gunna come with it, you better come correct, cuz it's 2009 and imma gets mine!

New Year, New boos, if you gunna come, come correct!

Hope ya'll hit the streets, you know the ones that gotta make that extra money, and the good functions. We held it down in the 707 at the Last Day Saloon, cuz our black asses waited to the last minute to decide what we were bout to do. Line was around the block, so I guess ery'one was tryin to hit this function. Thank god our folks held us a spot in line, cuz when we got to the door, oh boy was actin like he wasnt bout to let us in, talkin bout they weren't accepting no mo money. Please! when the last time you turned down some cash, MONEY? Thank god for dangerous Dee and her aggressive talkin ass, had oh boy hella nervous. Just gotta hit em with the realness. Just had to. The music was not the bidness for the first twenty minutes. DJ was sleepin on the 1's and 2's. Thankfully Dee's new DJ boo thang arrived to bless the function with some slaps. DJ Toni Tone, if yo ass is out there and you are reading this please send this girl Dee a shout out, cuz she jockin yo fresh.

Nigga who was sprayin folks with the pop champagne act, we comin for yo ass. Black bitches don't like to get sprayed with shit that could possibly let their roots come our and activate their pro-style. Real Talk

Big shout out to Jeremy for makin Dee's night. She heard it was the Year of the Gentleman, she finally found her one.

Can we just speak on bitches in the bathroom, and why there is always a low ratio to the amount of bitches in the club to the amount of the bathrooms. Always a damn line down the hall and never no niggas in the men's bathroom. So how you gunna kicka female out the club for using the men's bathroom when you know how bad out asses be havin to pee. If ya'll would quit bullshittin with them over sized handicapped stalls, how many times you really seen someone in a wheel chair? Ya'll could have bout 3.5 extra stalls, if you would cut that handicap stall in half, drop a sink, cuz then nasty bitches don't be washing they hands no way, be lookin at us crazy cuz we tryin to get to the sink. And please add a big ass dumpster, cuz im tired of slippin and skatin on wads of toilet paper soaked just all over the floor. Is that shit water or toilet over-flow? I wonder what the fuck their bathroom looks like at home.

Shout out to Becky......the crying bitch who almost got two-pieced. Was seconds from bringing in her New Year with two black eyes. Had the nerve to get mad at me cuz someone cut in front of her in line. I am not bathroom security and that is not my issue. Had the nerve to try to slam the door in my face, cuz she was mad, cuz some girl snuck past her in line. And that's when I had to go Dee on her. To make a long story short, she got scared, along with all the rest of them hoes in the bathroom, they got a free show, tell-a-bitch off 101. You may wanna peep that on YouTube......! We leave the bathroom, and proceed to the bar, bout this time I needed a drink, and here comes this bitch, I figured she wanted to go for round two, but, she came a cryin tryin to apologize, talkin bout she just wanted to pee and people cut her off. I guess bitch was so shook up, she didn't even use the bathroom, came out yellin at her short boyfriend. Now you know you thrown off when a bitch fucks up yo ability to pee after waitin in a long ass line, and being hella drunk.

And niggas, if you see a bitch in the club, you aint seen in years, Please, Please Please, don't act like a distant cousin, and ask her how old she is like you aint seen her in ten years. This aint the family reunion! Cuz you just askin for a bitch to fuck with you! "23? Naw I just made that up"!

It was a good safe night, hope all ya'll made it home safely. Remember it's 2009, speak yo mind!

Welcum 2 tha Dee and CeCe Show!

09 it's out time to shine! This blog has been a long time in the making. You may wanna call us crazy or that our comments are off the wall, but we just saAdd Imagey it like it is. We may be commenting on our new favorite books, music videos, or albums, we always find a way to add some Dee and Ceceisms. Tell your friends, your homies and your niggas, go head and leave us some comments; and even some topics you may want us to speak on. We about to make it do what it do!